November 6, 2020

Dear Dad,

Why must have things ended so tragically? I was in my adolescence, it was so youthful and innocent, yet simultaneously grim. I can’t help but ponder about the father figure I lost at a young age, ‘what would he think about me now?’ ‘did he truly ever love me?’ ‘why did he leave me?’. The alcohol had taken you over and devastated your soul into a never-ending road of harmful reliance. My mom would hide me from all troubles, sending me to my cousins and grandparent’s house frequently. Frequent excursions to Kings Island and wherever she thought would be adequate for escape. When you died, it felt like nothing changed, I would just live my normal days at my old elementary school, talking with friends, playing at recess, and continuing on as if nothing had ever happened. My mom had sent me to therapy a few times around that time. I remember the lady every session would give me a chart in where I would mark how sad I was/how much I missed you and I would just act like I had an extreme longing, and by each and every session, make my supposed “grief” less and less until I was taken out of therapy. I didn’t know what was wrong, I knew my father had died and that I was supposed to feel sad, but I didn’t feel those emotions whatsoever. The ever-impending grief hit me later on as I got older, and all of the sudden, you were all that I could think of. I asked my mother about the whole story behind your death and I couldn’t help but drown in tears. My life has been significantly changed since you left. I moved to Ohio in a house with my new step family, a new school, and have found my identity as a human being. Although your death was tragic, it made me stronger. Once you go through so many events, it shapes you in a way. I don’t care about other people’s opinion anymore, I’m not afraid to be myself anymore, and I still believe in the good of humanity (even with all the destruction). I know you won’t have the physical conditions to read this, but I just wanted to let you know that I am thriving.

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