To the Love of My Life,
My dearest, though you are no longer with me, my love for you remains strong. In the silence, I still hear your voice, and in the darkness, I still see your smile. You may be gone, but you will never be forgotten. Your memory lives on in my heart, and I will carry it with me forever.
A Heartfelt Thanks for Gardening Lessons,
I’ll never forget the countless hours we spent together in the garden, watching plants grow and learning about patience and nurturing. Your guidance not only taught me gardening skills but also valuable life lessons. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and love.
My Eternal Love,
My dearest, though you are no longer with me, your memory stays close to my heart. I cherish the moments we shared and the love we had. Your presence in my life made me a better person. I will always love you.
Querido Abuelo,
Querido abuelo, ya van 2 años de tu partida y te sigo extrañándote como si fuera el primer día , no nos pudimos despedir como hubiera querido, pero siempre te tengo en mi mente y corazón . Recuerdo, siempre tus historias que me contabas , tuve que aprovecharlas mejor, ya que hoy en día no tengo quien me cuente cómo tú lo hacías diario , extraño que me digas “nena” . Perdón, perdón por no despedirme de ti , perdón por no saber valorar esos hermosos momentos que tuvimos, sé que estás presente en cada logro y en cada problema que tengo en mi vida, pero aveces necesito oírte de nuevo. La vida es un misterio, y con tu partida me quedo más que claro que debo aprovecharla al máximo, siempre estarás presente en mi vida, mi hermano se parece a ti , así que nunca te olvidaré , y estás en mi igual y en mi mamá, espero algún día volver a verte o poder volver a escuchar tus historias .
Te amo abuelo y siempre lo haré 💕💕
Dear Me,
Kendim için 3 sene önce yazdığım mektubu az önce burda okudum ve belki de bu yazdığımı da bir 3 sene sonra bulacağım.Hayat o kadar bilinmezliklerle dolu ki.Bu 3 yıl içinde o önceki kızla hiçbir alakam kalmamış gibi hissediyorum.İlk aşkımı yaşadım ve ilk ayrılığımı da.Severek ayrılmanın ne kadar zor olduğunu da yaşamış oldum.Üstünden aylar geçti ve şimdi gönül rahatlığıyla söyleyebilirim ki yaşadığım hiçbir şey için pişman değilim.Bu zamana kadar bana karşı hisler besleyen kimseyi sevememiştim ama şimdi aşkı uğruna bunca şeyler yaşayan tüm herkesi anlayabiliyorum.İnsanda bir şeyleri değiştiriyor.Umarım tekrardan o hissi yaşayabilirim.Ama bana daha uygun biriyle.İçimde kelebekler uçuşsun tabi ki isterim ama umarım başımı omzuna yasladığımda huzur bulabileceğim biri olur.Çünkü bazen aşk tek başına yetmiyor.Bazen tüm duygularını arkanda bırakıp hak ettiğin şeyi seçmek zorundasın.Yani kendini.
Umarım hayat bana bundan sonra daha nazik olur.Güzelliklerle gelir.Sevdiklerimle uzun sağlıklı bir hayat istiyorum tek dileğim bu.
You aren’t dead. I miss talking to you though.
It’s always been my fault, and it always will be my fault. You deserve so much more than I will ever be. I should have just kept my mouth shut and maybe things would look different right now. Maybe I would still have you to lean on when I need a friend to talk to.
Even after I lost everything and gave up on life, he didn’t change. It’s lonely, dark. Every single day is a battle to stay alive. And now I have to battle it alone. He says he’s on my team. But when I hit rock bottom, I find myself on a one man team and I’m drowning.
He used to love me the way you liked me (at least I think you liked me). He would send me flowers to work. Send me mushy little cards or messages to let me know I was important to him. Then, one day it stopped. I don’t feel pretty or loved anymore. I suppose I deserve that. I have never deserved anything.
I just wanted to find a way to say thank you. Thank you for showing me what it felt ... Read more
Querida abuela ☆,
Lamentablemente llegue a este mundo 2 años después de tu muerte“( me hubiera encantado conocerte, conozco de ti lo suficiente gracias a lo que mi padre y tíos me han dicho sin duda alguna fuiste una gran mujer lograste sacar a tus hijos adelante, sin embargo el cáncer te venció, un 8 de junio te fuiste de este mundo hace exactamente 20 años atrás,me duele tanto no haberte conocido pero solo Dios sabe porque pasan las cosas, aunque no te conocí te amo tanto abuela espero algún día verte en la otra vida. Con cariño la nieta que tanto anhelaste, te amo!!
Querida yo♡,
Después de todo me estoy amando a mí misma, se que no soy perfecta y eso es lo que hace única, cada día mejoramos en algo bueno, el acercarme más a Dios y asistir a una iglesiacon más frecuencia ne esa sirviendo de mucho, estar en un país sin saber el idioma después de todo no está tan mal, he conocido personas que son tan maravillosas. Gracias Castas de amor a los muertos me ayudó mucho a ser yo misma y descubrir mi identidad igual que Laurel!
Recomiendo “Cartas de amor a los muertos” de Ava Dellaira porque es una lectura emotiva y reflexiva que puede resonar profundamente con cualquier lector, especialmente aquellos que han experimentado pérdida o están en búsqueda de su identidad.
Dear CherryGirl,
It kills me. Knowing you’ll never know my sons. Knowing you’ll never have kids of your own. Knowing you’ll never grow older than 21. Knowing that life forever changed that day. It will be nine years this year. Nine. It’s incredible to think that it’s been that long. Because some days I swear it’s like I just lost you, I feel that deep aching pain in my chest, and some days it seems like it’s an eternity. I will never be able to put into words how empty my heart feels. How I feel like I can’t make anymore friends and let them in like I did you. Or how to even be open. Or talk about you without crying. Nine years and I still cry thinking about you. If I didn’t have pictures I would truly think you were just a dream. I wish I could go back and go out with you that night. I wish I could have been there to at least make sure you were wearing a seatbelt. I guess I wish a lot of things. I supposed I’ll end with my normal, I’ll love you for as long as I miss you, until the ... Read more
Dear Mommy,
13 years with you wasn’t enough time. i miss you every hour of every day. not only am i grieving you, i’m also grieving the person i would of been if you didn’t die. give daddy & mimi a hug for me. i love you so much.
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