Dear Chester Bennigton,
I am inspired by you everyday. Your music helped me through a lot. I wish you didn’t do it. You left behind a wife and family. You were loved. I have always felt connected to your music. Your voice, lyrics, and songs helped many people. I just want to know why you did it. Was it the death of Chris Cornell? I know he was a great friend of yours. I just wish you were here. I wish we could go back in time to get you and Chris help. You both inspired many with your voices. I have cried many times listening to your song One More Light. I just wish you would have shown signs so that you could’ve gotten help. Many peoplpeople wish that you were here. I hate people who are joking about your suicide. It is not a joke, or a funny meme. You were a person. You were a star that flickered, and died. You were alive. You were beautiful, and amazing. I am so sorry that you are gone.
Dear Michael Joseph Jackson,
Eu rezo por você todos os dias, para que você esteja em paz e feliz, para que você tenha se encontrado, e encontrado um mundo melhor. Saiba que mesmo que você tenha ficado sozinho no seu último dia, você nunca estará sozinho, porque você é muito amado por mim e por muitas pessoas que todos os dias sentem sua falta. Onde você estiver por favor, saiba que sempre estará no meu coração, e no coração dos seus fãs e dos seus amados filhos. Michael você hoje é muito admirado, muito amado, muito acolhido e respeitado, hoje todos nós sabemos como você é um homem maravilhoso, bondoso e talentoso, e saiba que o mundo perdeu o maior artista que já existiu, você foi daqui para as estrelas, e hoje você é a estrela mais brilhante de todo o céu.. E eu nunca, nunca deixarei você morrer enquanto eu viver. Eu te amo muito, que Deus esteja cuidando de você.
Dear G. (Cause you are the one who deserves all my secrets),
Oi. Em alguns dias irá completar um mês e ainda não tive a coragem de apagar suas mensagens. É como se fazer isso vá tornar tudo mais real e eu não quero que seja. Quero manter sua voz gravada, assim se eu me esquecer do seu “pestinha”, talvez eu possa ouvir os seus áudios no repetir e lembrar, e sentir um pouco mais de ti. Acho que nunca conseguirei escrever para ti sem ficar a beira de desmoronar. Eu sinto tanto pelo que não vivemos e isso é o que mais dói. Vivemos tanto em pouco tempo e você não será esquecido, fica tranquilo. Aliás, minha visão sobre a vida mudou, infelizmente dessa maneira, mas os momentos com os meus amados se tornaram muito mais simbólicos, só queria te contar.
Outra novidade é que tenho realmente tentado tocar a bola para frente. A pessoa que me mantinha presa, não parece ter muito interesse em manter-se em minha vida, portanto não irei implorar por isso. Ando ficando com garotos e tentando gostar, mas não acho que esteja fumcionando. As garotas ainda me parecem bem mais interessantes, porém talvez eu dê uma chance para um certo rapaz. Veremos.
Volto para contar sobre o ... Read more
Dear Aunt Tessie,
Thank you for being there ever since I was a little toddler, I know we made mistakes together as you and my parents often fought a lot about me. When I turned two years old, you left, said mom when she told me about you during your funeral. You died a long time ago, and it was painful to remember. I’ve been reading a lot of books and writing some myself, but I have never encountered such a lovely book as the one Ava Dellaira had written, and it inspired me to try and reach out to you.
Aunt Tessie, please don’t be sad, nobody has ever forgotten who you are. You are always in my heart, as the best aunt I could have. I couldn’t do anything when I saw you laying on your bed, so slim like you’re becoming bones. I was scared, more like guilty. I regret how I never got to thank you so genuinely while you were still breathing in the same air as I was… And now you’re inside that coffin underground.
Back when I was four, I was a really great ballerina, I used to be such a perfectionist in what I do. My parents ... Read more
Dear Jade,
I haven’t tried to kill myself, yesterday was the anniversary of the day they found you hanging in your closet and I was able to do basic things that I usually can’t on that day. I wish you were here because I miss everything about you, but I don’t think I will ever forgive you for how hard you made things for everyone. It isn’t the same and it’s frustrating. You didn’t know it but the day your mother got the car she had just picked me up and we were going to surprise you for valentines day. I love you and I hope you have piece now. your friend, Autumn
Dear Jade,
I haven’t tried to kill myself, yesterday was the anniversary of the day they found you hanging in your closet and I was able to do basic things that I usually can’t on that day. I wish you were here because I miss everything about you, but I don’t think I will ever forgive you for how hard you made things for everyone. It isn’t the same and it’s frustrating. You didn’t know it but the day your mother got the car she had just picked me up and we were going to surprise you for valentines day. I love you and I hope you have piece now. your friend, Autumn
Dear Jade,
I haven’t tried to kill myself, yesterday was the anniversary of the day they found you hanging in your closet and I was able to do basic things that I usually can’t on that day. I wish you were here because I miss everything about you, but I don’t think I will ever forgive you for how hard you made things for everyone. It isn’t the same and it’s frustrating. You didn’t know it but the day your mother got the car she had just picked me up and we were going to surprise you for valentines day. I love you and I hope you have piece now. your friend, Autumn
Dear Cory Monteith,
I grew up watching you on TV. Glee was my favorite show out there. It showed how outcasts could have something all of their own and fit into a group where they belonged. I always wanted a Glee Club at my school. I’ve never been the best at singing, but I constantly find myself doing it and it’s one of the few things that genuinely makes me happy. I still remember the day I found out you left this world. I was driving home with my mom and sister from school and my sister read an article that said you died of a drug overdose. A mixture of heroin and alcohol. Most times when I hear of drug overdoses I consider it suicide. Surely people know what they are doing and what the risks are of taking hard drugs. That’s probably why they take them. They want something to take away the pain, but don’t people to think they are killing themselves so they drug themselves to cover it up. I think that’s what happened with you. Maybe everything was too much and you needed a way out. Using heroin is stupid, and then adding alcohol into your bloodstream besides ... Read more
Dear G. (Again),
Os dias passaram e não houve um deles que eu não tenha pensado em você. Tenho visto você em outras pessoas e desejado que tenha sido um engano, que você esteja ali e não tenha acontecido isso. Pensar na sua morte como aconteceu, entristece a qualquer um, pois não acho que alguém mereça passar por tanta dor ao ponto de fazer o que você fez. As feridas vão cicatrizar, eu sei que vão e algumas vezes eu sinto culpa por saber que a minha vida continua e um dia eu posso acordar sem pensar em você em um só segundo do meu dia. Passamos por muitas juntos e muitas delas ficaram marcadas no meu corpo, mas nenhuma delas causou tanto estrago como te perder, irmão. Você não foi neu irmão de sangue, mas nossa proximidade foi tanta que não consigo pensar diferente. Você foi incrível e agora é tarde para dizer isso, então peço que me perdoe se eu não disse isso o suficiente. Não pedirei perdão pelo que passamos, pois não me arrependo de nenhum momento contigo, tudo foi genuíno e eu não mudaria nada, apenas se tivesse a chance de te salvar, ai eu faria diferente. Não consigo lembrar ... Read more
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